Congratulations to Anthony King Troop 742 Eagle Scout #114

Please congratulate the newest Eagle Scout for Troop 742, Anthony King!

Anthony King completed his Eagle Board of Review on January 4, 2022!

Congratulations Anthony! #114 for our Troop.

Thank you to the Scoutmasters, Scouts, parents, Merit Badge Counselors and Committee Members who were there to cheer on Anthony, help him reach his goals, and celebrate his accomplishments!

Congratulations to Varun Khushalani Troop 742 Eagle Scout #113

Please congratulate the newest Eagle Scout for Troop 742, Varun Khushalani!

Varun Khushalani completed his Eagle Board of Review on March 2, 2021!

Congratulations Varun! #113 for our Troop.

Thank you to the Scoutmasters, Scouts, parents, Merit Badge Counselors and Committee Members who were there to cheer on Varun, help him reach his goals, and celebrate his accomplishments!

Court of Honor – February 2021

Congratulations to the Scouts of Troop 742! Your hard work and dedication, especially in a year filled with adversity, shows your determination and willingness to embody the tenets of Scouting. We look forward to our next Court of Honor. Keep up the hard work!

Rank of Scout
Danny Driscol
Rowan Levy
Joseph Shaney

Rank of Tenderfoot
Elliott DeFilippis
Emmett Kammar
Connor Saki
Zachary Washington

Rank of 2nd Class
Bradley Nadolny

Rank of 1st Class
James Corcoran
Hugh DeBrabander

Rank of Star
Matthew Ayd
Hugh DeBrabander
Chris Johnson
Kieran O’Brien

Rank of Life Scout
Sam Cucuzzella
Drew French
Collin Nadolny
Alok Sinha

Thank you, Scoutmaster Paul!

2021 brings about a change in leadership for Boy Scout Troop 742. After years of guiding our troop, Paul King is passing along the position of Scoutmaster to Mike Nadolny.

Thank you Paul for your leadership, creativity, service, and commitment to our troop. Thank you for allowing Troop 742 to remain boy led, and thank you for leading and guiding our Scouts on their journey to excellence.

We are fortunate that Paul will continue as an Assistant Scoutmaster!

Congratulations to Malek DeBrabander Troop 742 Eagle Scout #112

Please congratulate the newest Eagle Scout for Troop 742, Malek DeBrabander!

Malek DeBrabander completed his Eagle Board of Review on September 15, 2020!

Congratulations Malek! #112 for our Troop.

Thank you to the Scoutmasters, Scouts, parents, Merit Badge Counselors and Committee Members who were there to cheer on Malek, help him reach his goals, and celebrate his accomplishments!