Congratulations to Jeffery Bowerman Troop 742 Eagle Scout #108

Please congratulate the newest Eagle Scout for Troop 742, Jeffery Bowerman!

Jeffery Bowerman completed his Eagle Board of Review on March 26, 2019!

Congratulations Jeffery! #108 for our Troop.

Thank you to the Scoutmasters, Scouts, parents, Merit Badge Counselors and Committee Members who were there to cheer on Jeffery, help him reach his goals, and celebrate his accomplishments!

Congratulations to Josh Rice Troop 742 Eagle Scout #107

Please congratulate the newest Eagle Scout for Troop 742, Josh Rice!

Josh Rice completed his Eagle Board of Review on March 5, 2019!

Congratulations Josh! #107 for our Troop.

Thank you to the Scoutmasters, Scouts, parents, Merit Badge Counselors and Committee Members who were there to cheer on Josh, help him reach his goals, and celebrate his accomplishments!

Ski Weekend 2019 at Shawnee

Scouts and family members from Troop 742 stormed the mountains at Ski Shawnee on President’s Day weekend.

The Scouts had a great time during our annual Ski Shawnee weekend. We enjoyed beautiful weather, good ski conditions, a FULL Snow Sports Merit Badge group, and great times with family and friends. We enjoyed skiing right out of the lodge and being the first ones on and last one’s off the mountain each day. We can’t wait to take over the mountain again next year!

Welcome New Scouts!

Troop 742 welcomes ten new Scouts from Pack 1742! We’re happy that they picked our troop and can’t wait to share our scouting adventures with them!

Congratulations to Josh Ward Troop 742 Eagle Scout #106

Please congratulate the newest Eagle Scout for Troop 742, Josh Ward!

Josh Ward completed his Eagle Board of Review on January 15, 2019!

Congratulations Josh! #106 for our Troop.

Thank you to the Scoutmasters, Scouts, parents, Merit Badge Counselors and Committee Members who were there to cheer on Josh, help him reach his goals, and celebrate his accomplishments!