Search and Rescue Camping Weekend

Scouts of Troop 742 earned the Search and Rescue merit badge at Broad Creek Scout Reservation.

Early Saturday morning, two “volunteer” scouts went missing. That’s when the Incident Commander set up his command center and created his three search teams. He gave his three Team Leaders instructions for a search plan and monitored their movements with handheld radios. Continue reading “Search and Rescue Camping Weekend”

Troop 742 has four new Eagle Scouts!

742 eagle scoutsThe rank of Eagle Scout is the highest possible achievement for the Boy Scouts of America, a level achieved by only 4% of scouts.

Concluding with an Eagle Court of Honor Ceremony, the Eagle Scout has put in hundreds of hours of work gaining rank, achieving merit badges and at least 100 hours of community service.

Here are Troop 742’s newest Eagle Scouts:

  • Samuel Madder, the Troop’s 98th Eagle Scout
  • Joseph Ayd, the Troop’s 99th Eagle Scout
  • Luca Cellucci, the Troop’s 100th Eagle Scout
  • David Michaels, the Troop’s 101st Eagle Scout

Please join us in congratulating these young men for achieving scouting’s highest honor.

Grachur Weekend

Grachur Club Pasadena, MD

Troop 742 had another wonderful “Grachur Weekend” camping trip at the Grachur Club in Pasadena, MD.

When Scouts from Troop 742 came to Grachur the weather could not have been more perfect—about 50-60 degrees and sunny.

Troop 742 arrived Friday evening. Club room was swept, mattresses set, fire started, and we settled in for the night. Continue reading “Grachur Weekend”